Peaches Elita™ Excellent quality.

All the production for Peaches comes from Pella and Imathia with the harvest being done by hand to avoid blows.

Peach sensitivity requires care in handling from harvest to final consumer. Peaches are packed in a wooden crate using special cases to protect it.

At ELITA™ we select and package delicious peaches of exceptional quality that arrive daily in every corner of Greece and abroad, winning over every consumer.

The whole production and storage process is certified. Management and storage takes place in modern privately owned refrigerators of ELITA™. The handling from production to packaging is done with privately owned refrigerated trucks.

Packaging – Standardization

Description Net Weight Dimensions Crate / Pallet

Single row wooden crate
3,8 – 4,5kg 27 x 47 x 10 200

Single row wooden crate
5 – 6kg 30 x 50 x 11 200


Consumer tips

Peaches can be eaten alone or added to a wide variety of dishes. In addition, peaches are nutritious and offer a number of health benefits, such as improved digestion, smoother skin and relief from allergies.

They are also packed with antioxidants – beneficial plant compounds that fight oxidative damage and help protect the body , both from aging and from many chronic diseases. The fresher and more ripe the fruit, the more antioxidants it contains.

For faster ripening, place the peaches in a brown paper bag on the kitchen counter. Once they reach the desired maturity, then and only then should they be stored in the refrigerator where they will last about a week.

Fruit Fact!

Peaches belong to the same family of fruits as plums, apricots, cherries, and almonds. They are considered “holes” because their flesh surrounds a shell that houses an edible seed.